Summary of the summary in the La Componella FCI breeding in 2024:
***The greatest joy of 2024 is, without protest, the first BIS in the history of our breeding, i.e. BEST IN SHOW (the most beautiful dogs in the entire exhibition) for a dog with our nickname. Even when it is, I cry, the whole time of the event.
This historic creation of FIGO HUGO II La Componella FCI – Large Gascon Hound, owner Marta and Waldemar Zgleniccy.
***This year we broke our record by exhibiting a dog all the way to the Canary Islands, flying with him by plane Overcoming over 9 thousand km. (result for CAC, CACIB and BOB)
***World Exhibition Zagreb and another title of World Winner
-World Winner,
-Youth World Winner
-BOB at the World Exhibition and performance at BIS
-CAC for professional Victor
—–>we bring the title to every World Exhibition…
***This year litter no. 100 was born in our kennel.
***This year we sent 2 of our puppies the furthest, all the way to Australia, to the kennel of Mrs. Dana Hutchinson
***The most we have ever used successively by dogs with our nickname:
-the aforementioned FIGO HUGO II La Componella FCI – Multichampion, Club Winner.
-BATHSHEBA REA La Componella FCI – another year in a row the Best Belgian in Poland (of all varieties, according to the Belgian Club and ZKwP ranking), Multichampion
-IN MY EYES La Componella FCI – Youth Champion of Poland, Youth Club Winner
-KADEN La Componella FCI – Multichampion
-KIFF OF LIFE La Componella FCI – Youth Champion of Poland
-the solution issued for the champion was not used, because I would be allowed to use it by:P
-add another one here if you remind me:)
***Club Shows:
-Club Victory of our professional – Victor, who is launching the Club Victory for the third time:)
-Youth Club Victory for IN MY EYES La Componella FCI.
-Veteran Club victory for our seniors LITTLE MISS DAYDREAM Stary Machnac
-5th year in a row Best Stud Title for Victor
-Club victory and BOB for FIGO HUGO II La Componella FCI.
-Club victory for WALDORFF La Componella FCI
-Club victory for SWEET KELPIE La Componella FCI.
-Veteran Club victory and BOB for ALLY MC BEAL La Componella FCI.
-Best Groenendael II Kennel
-Best Mexican Hairless Dog Miniature I Kennel
Thank you TEAM LA COMPONELLA, all owners of dogs with the La Componella FCI alias. This is our joint success!
May 2023 marks our 20th anniversary of breeding. Here are our greatest successes:
World Wins
World Dog Show Brno 2021 Dream exhibition!!!
3 titles:
-BATHSHEBA REA – Junior World Winner, Best Junior in Breed
-CHOPIN – Junior World Winner
-DESIDERIA – Veteran World Winner, Best Veteran in BreedWorld
Dog Show Amsterdam 2018
-ULIANA La Componella FCI – World Puppy Winner
World Dog Show Milan 2015
-JACOH de Korrantoh – Junior World Winner
Since 2019, we have continuously held the title of THE BEST KENNEL OF BELGIAN SHEPHERD GROENENDAEL in Poland.
Since 2020, we have continuously held the title of THE BEST STUD MALE of BELGIAN SHEPHERD GROENENDAEL in Poland
*JUDE LAW La Componella FCI – the first ever coated INTERCHAMPION in the Mexican Miniature Naked Dog breed
* BATSHEBA REA – Interchampion, Winner of the Ranking of the Best Belgian Shepherd of the Year 2022 in the Groenendael category and… all 4 varieties and I can confidently say that the most titled Groenendael in the history of the breed
*We have the title of Club Winner in all bred breeds
*We bred the first in the history of the breed in Poland litter of Naked Miniature Mexican Dogs
*We bred the first litter of Large Gascony Hounds in the history of the breed in Poland
*Our dogs have won over 320 Champion titles around the world.